Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Exploring Chinas Orwellian Digital Silk Road

chatham house

Such steps represent a welcome improvement but are unlikely to raise sufficient revenue nor appeal strongly enough to President Trump to decisively alter the course of the Sino-US confrontation. This is because a GDP target alone is no longer seen as a panacea to surmount all challenges faced by China in a post-coronavirus world. Instead, stabilizing soaring unemployment to create an extra nine million jobs, eradicating absolute poverty, and increasing cash flow to smaller companies trump everything else. For 250 years, Chatham Manor has dominated the heights opposite Fredericksburg on the banks of the Rappahannock River. Follow Chatham's history from slave plantation to Civil War, from ruin to rebirth, from private property to a protected historic site.

How the UK could become a global leader in the subsea domain - Chatham House

How the UK could become a global leader in the subsea domain.

Posted: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Short-term Access

If you believe you should have access to that content, please contact your librarian. Such policy is backed by a consensus within the party and is designed to give the impression that his key policy agenda is swiftly moving forward triumphantly. But Beijing recognizes the acute anxieties from the grassroots of society as the country appears to have gone from being one of the world’s most equal societies to one of the world’s most unequal. Challenges to China’s economic model are increasing, as witnessed by the ongoing tussle between the world two largest economies.

Institutional account management

As with infrastructure, China has understood what local and regional governments need and catered to those needs in expert fashion. The world’s urban population is predicted to grow by an additional 2.5 billion people in the next thirty years, with a doubling of the global middle class taking place in and around China and India, providing a huge expanse in the region’s urban space. The building of so many new cities and the hyper-growth of so many current cities will require a major outlay in infrastructure, energy, and transportation hubs. It will also require the efficient allocation of resources, energy, and—as the mainstay an increasingly digital global economy—access to digital networks and the internet of things.

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After the battle, Chatham’s stately rooms were transformed into a field hospital. Clara Barton, Mary Walker, and Walt Whitman served in the hospital at Chatham, caring for sick and wounded soldiers.The Lacys returned to Chatham after the war but could not maintain their lavish lifestyle as their wealth had been tied to the enslaved people who had claimed their freedom. The next eight owners likewise had difficulty keeping up the house and grounds. Chatham’s fortunes changed in 1920, when Helen and Daniel Devore purchased the property.

Centralized access to personal, commercial, and political data carries with it a huge centralization of data that is at odds with concepts of the rights to privacy. On the Digital Silk Road, this centralization of data benefits China as much as it benefits host nations, introducing vulnerabilities into the host nations that could be utilized if they were to ever come into conflict or suffer diplomatic tensions with Beijing. By acting as network architects and administrators, Beijing will be privy to data streams in real-time across a large portion of the world, enabling them to develop influence and power across a number of different matrixes. In the first instance, that power and influence would be over the foreign policy elites of host nations, including civil servants, political and military leaders, journalists, the legal and commercial sectors in the form of information. This might be used as kompromat—to leverage key individuals in critical moments of internal discussion—on issues Beijing judges central to its interests.

Sign in

The IJOP in Xinjiang combined information gathered from multiple data sets—including CCTV, banking, employment, and health records, Wi-Fi sniffers, security checkpoints, and facial recognition—to monitor the details of people’s daily lives at the level of minutia. Whether or not the smart city programs incorporate these functions in given states will be of critical importance to the lives of their inhabitants. Second, it enables Beijing to expand its legal and political norms and values—albeit, bundled as part of these technological packages.

But this is also a pointer - for the nation and the world - to the direction of a self-reliant China in post-coronavirus world. Relations between Beijing and Washington are, meanwhile, going from bad to worse and, behind an exuberant chorus of pandemic diplomacy performed by senior Chinese diplomats, there has been a sombre tone on international challenges posed by the pandemic inside the power corridors of Beijing. Beijing has begun to encourage export-led manufacturers to focus on selling to a domestic market. The party has always been a master of story-telling to its own population, and often presents its story with a sprinkle of populism. Beijing holds its conservative maxim that, no matter how complicated the international situation has become, China must prioritise the management of its own affairs.

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

chatham house

A Southeast Asian state at odds with Beijing, for example, could find critical goods held up in ports in Pakistan or Sri Lanka—in a deniable and unofficial sanctions system. The most visible signs of this digital infrastructure are the fiber cables, the network base-stations, the satellite networks, and the Smart Cities provided at the “consumer” end. Smart Cities coalesce data, connecting, and computing service platforms with existing information sources under one roof in Intelligent Operation Centers (IOC). These centers integrate disparate information from different sources to create—in the jargon—a real-time, comprehensive, and actionable image of city operations. IOCs provide a centralized data-exchange platform critical to day-to-day operations of administrative, industrial, environmental, energy, and security systems. In layman’s terms, the IOC acts as a living organism that continuously assesses citywide operations and identifies requirements through sensors and cameras that are distributed around key nodes allowing for real-time monitoring and predictive analysis.

In addition to owning hundreds of thousands of acres and at least one hundred enslaved people, the Fitzhughs were related to and good friends with other well-known Virginians like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and George Mason. The non-stop social requirement of hosting friends and relations drained Fitzhugh's purse. As a result, Fitzhugh sold Chatham 35 years after moving in.At the time of the Civil War, Confederate supporters Betty and J. The Lacys resided at Chatham in the winter and lived in their other home, Ellwood, in the summer. Betty, meanwhile, packed up the household and left Chatham empty, which allowed it to be occupied by the US Army and used as a headquarters during the Battle of Fredericksburg.

While the centralizing of data on crime and municipal services will be a great boon to rapidly-growing cities across Africa, the Indian Ocean, and Central Asia, they are not without their dangers. As we will discuss in this and a follow-up piece, Beijing’s rapidly expanding influence over the digital space of the Indo-Pacific will have real-world effects on the people who live inside such systems, impacting how comprehensively states are able to surveil their citizens. They may also have an impact on the geopolitical landscape as states that fall under the People Republic of China’s (PRC) digital system, may be aligning to a new type of political, digital and economic order, analogous to that built by the United States and its allies after World War II. While looking at a map of the Smart Cities growing across the Central Asian landscape, it is possible to imagine that a new type of political order is arising. In it, the three ministries advocated for “countries along the Belt and Road . [to] improve the connectivity of their infrastructure construction plans and technical standard systems .

As Tin Hinane El Kadi has written for Chatham House, many countries sign deals with Chinese tech companies that install these systems with little or no oversight or adopt repressive cybersecurity laws that resemble China’s. Third, it is likely to be used to further China’s economic expansion across developing economies, providing massive amounts of raw consumer and market data, giving Chinese firms advantages that their competitors—local and Western—will be unable to challenge. This will be particularly true in sectors that China has judged to be of national security interest, such as biotech, new materials, wearable devices, information communications technology, AI, and the internet of things. It might be used to coerce foreign policy elites “downstream” from the port host nation by applying pressure on the supply chain.

In discussing this, Blue skies over Beijing provides an interesting account of how urbanization in China is causing environmental problems; the book pushes for sustainable urban growth. Enslaved laborers and craftsmen built Chatham Manor in 1771 at the direction and financing of William Fitzhugh. The large Georgian structure’s location atop Stafford Heights and its visibility from Fredericksburg put the Fitzhughs’ wealth and status on display for everyone around.

Chatham Manor Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park U S. National Park Service

chatham house

Despite the current global crisis, that message still resonated loud and clear from the long-delayed National People Congress (NPC). Dive into the Chatham's cultural landscape and discover the history of this ever-changing place. If your institution is not listed or you cannot sign in to your institutionĂ¢€™s website, please contact your librarian or administrator. Since joining the WTO, China has created jobs and wealth, while the rest of the world has enjoyed a wider choice of products and services at lower prices.

Exploring China’s Orwellian Digital Silk Road

And form an infrastructure network connecting all sub-regions in Asia, and between Asia, Europe, and Africa, step by step.” And so various parts of the Chinese state and private sector have driven themselves into the task with gusto and enthusiasm. Only five years later, nearly a quarter of the 4.2 billion people living in urban environments now live under PRC Smart City and Safe City network and surveillance technologies. For librarians and administrators, your personal account also provides access to institutional account management. Here you will find options to view and activate subscriptions, manage institutional settings and access options, access usage statistics, and more. To purchase short-term access, please sign in to your personal account above.

Viewing your signed in accounts

Such steps represent a welcome improvement but are unlikely to raise sufficient revenue nor appeal strongly enough to President Trump to decisively alter the course of the Sino-US confrontation. This is because a GDP target alone is no longer seen as a panacea to surmount all challenges faced by China in a post-coronavirus world. Instead, stabilizing soaring unemployment to create an extra nine million jobs, eradicating absolute poverty, and increasing cash flow to smaller companies trump everything else. For 250 years, Chatham Manor has dominated the heights opposite Fredericksburg on the banks of the Rappahannock River. Follow Chatham's history from slave plantation to Civil War, from ruin to rebirth, from private property to a protected historic site.

chatham house

Institutional account management

While the centralizing of data on crime and municipal services will be a great boon to rapidly-growing cities across Africa, the Indian Ocean, and Central Asia, they are not without their dangers. As we will discuss in this and a follow-up piece, Beijing’s rapidly expanding influence over the digital space of the Indo-Pacific will have real-world effects on the people who live inside such systems, impacting how comprehensively states are able to surveil their citizens. They may also have an impact on the geopolitical landscape as states that fall under the People Republic of China’s (PRC) digital system, may be aligning to a new type of political, digital and economic order, analogous to that built by the United States and its allies after World War II. While looking at a map of the Smart Cities growing across the Central Asian landscape, it is possible to imagine that a new type of political order is arising. In it, the three ministries advocated for “countries along the Belt and Road . [to] improve the connectivity of their infrastructure construction plans and technical standard systems .

Soft power ‘pandemic’ diplomacy and the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) were scarcely mentioned during the NPC. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Instead, Chinese leadership presented a grim assessment of the domestic and international economic landscape, as foreshadowed in previous politburo meetings. It also abandoned the annual GDP target, something which has not occurred since 1985 when it first announced the number. The institutional subscription may not cover the content that you are trying to access.

Personal account

Powered by the expanse in data provided by 5G technologies, multiple sensors can be deployed from street lamps tell electric companies that they’ve gone out, to buildings can regulate their own heating and ventilation. Smart Ports provide the additional capabilities of device automation, intelligent scheduling, and trade surveillance to improve resource allocation and ship transfers. The premise is that a better-integrated and effectively-operated city boosts economic activity, and promotes sustainable growth into the future. It is possible that this age is witnessing the building of the largest intelligence-collecting program in human history, giving China real-time access to the digital economies, finances, crimes, and personal lives of the citizens of three-quarters of the world. As we continue our own Western debate on the role big data companies will have in liberal democracies and tensions between privacy and the political and economic exploitation of data, we would do well to look at the world that China’s tech industry is seeking to remake in its own image.

Collapse of global demand

As the centenary of the party approaches, the world’s largest political party must tell a convincing story that its policies work for everyone inside China. And that story is not about a victorious conclusion in fighting COVID-19, but rather a continuation of the party legitimizing its rule by providing jobs and social stability. The gigantic BRI was rarely referred to in the policy announcements, nor was fresh state capital for the BRI raised. It signals a scale back to serve China's age-old foreign affairs priority – creating a stable external environment for domestic economic developments and a return to a self-serving periphery diplomacy with a focus on its immediate neighbours. The new national security law in Hong Kong caused a blast of explosive responses internationally. But China’s critical domestic priority remains to revive a shuttered economy amid mounting unemployment.

China is no longer seen as a benign force nor does it wish to bail out the world through a massive stimulus. Beijing needs to choose its priorities, narrow down its objectives and focus on delivering existing projects. Beijing must also improve the quality of BRI projects by working with other stakeholders. During the Two Sessions meetings, Beijing proposed new public-private partnerships, deregulation of certain sectors, and increased borrowing to smaller enterprises.

Democracy in West Africa: Why Senegal's election crisis matters - Chatham House

Democracy in West Africa: Why Senegal's election crisis matters.

Posted: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

But this is also a pointer - for the nation and the world - to the direction of a self-reliant China in post-coronavirus world. Relations between Beijing and Washington are, meanwhile, going from bad to worse and, behind an exuberant chorus of pandemic diplomacy performed by senior Chinese diplomats, there has been a sombre tone on international challenges posed by the pandemic inside the power corridors of Beijing. Beijing has begun to encourage export-led manufacturers to focus on selling to a domestic market. The party has always been a master of story-telling to its own population, and often presents its story with a sprinkle of populism. Beijing holds its conservative maxim that, no matter how complicated the international situation has become, China must prioritise the management of its own affairs.

It is, as many observers have already noted, a strategy with deep geostrategic implications. It is also a strategy that has security implications for the West, for the United States, its allies, and for other rising powers—such as India, South Africa, and Brazil. Terrorist attacks at Westgate Mall in 2013 and Garissa University College in 2015 had left hundreds of people injured or dead. Additionally, rising crime figures in rapidly-growing cities like Nairobi and Mombasa left the impression that Kenyan security forces were losing control of Kenyan cities. Worse still, a series of carjackings and tourist robberies began to effect a major source of revenue. It was with relief then that the Kenyan government received an offer to build a new Smart City program by the prominent Chinese tech company, Huawei.

The IJOP in Xinjiang combined information gathered from multiple data sets—including CCTV, banking, employment, and health records, Wi-Fi sniffers, security checkpoints, and facial recognition—to monitor the details of people’s daily lives at the level of minutia. Whether or not the smart city programs incorporate these functions in given states will be of critical importance to the lives of their inhabitants. Second, it enables Beijing to expand its legal and political norms and values—albeit, bundled as part of these technological packages.

A personal account can be used to get email alerts, save searches, purchase content, and activate subscriptions. Typically, access is provided across an institutional network to a range of IP addresses. This authentication occurs automatically, and it is not possible to sign out of an IP authenticated account. Blue skies over Beijing, building on the experiences of cities in the United States, is optimistic about future ecological progress as both central and local government in China are promoting sustainable development to create a ‘Beautiful China’. The book thereby moves away from the usual non-Chinese discourse on environmental problems in China which tend to be pessimistic. Despite the enthusiasm, the arrangement largely concerned temporary measures and is not a substitute for a long-term plan to reduce air pollution.

The Devores, in the spirit of Colonial Revivalism, wanted Chatham to represent historic majesty. In the convening years the Devores transformed Chatham from a former slave plantation to a showy, country retreat. The look of Chatham today resembles the house after these restorations in the 1920s.Chatham Manor has stood along the banks of the Rappahannock River opposite the city of Fredericksburg for 250 years. People living and working at Chatham experienced the young nation’s experiment in democracy along with the persistent defense of slavery which nearly destroyed that democracy. Some societies use Oxford Academic personal accounts to provide access to their members. Shibboleth/Open Athens technology is used to provide single sign-on between your institutionĂ¢€™s website and Oxford Academic.

Seeking Clarity on Comparison Prior Art: Seirus Petitions Supreme Court in Heat Wave Design Patent Dispute

patent design

Fees vary depending on the type of patent application that you submit and if you qualify for fee discounts. A step-by-step overview of a patent application and maintenance process. In some instances, however, additional views may be necessary to fully disclose the design. When two views are the same (or mirror images), such as side views, only one view needs to be depicted and the specification may explain that the other view is, for example, a mirror image.

Color Drawings or Color Photographs

Additionally, automated patent drafting tools use AI to generate high-quality patent applications, reducing time and costs while ensuring legal compliance. In Gorham, the prior-art designs were not a significant factor in the infringement analysis. In contrast, Smith v. Whitman Saddle Co., 148 U.S. 674 (1893), placed a greater emphasis on the prior art when assessing infringement. The Court noted that the patented saddle design essentially combined the front half of a well-known “Granger” saddle with the rear half of another well-known “Jenifer” saddle. Given the existence of these pre-existing designs, the Court considered the novel and material aspect of the patented design to be limited to this specific accentuated drop feature.

Design Patent D436,119 Drawing Sheets 1

Design patents are subject to both the novelty and non-obviousness standards of the patent code. When a design is dictated mostly by the function of an object and lacks ornamentality, it is not proper statutory subject matter and cannot be patented. The relevant inquiry is whether there was a unique or distinctive shape or appearance to an object that is not dictated by the object’s function and purpose. The design must also be “original,” rather than a simulation of another well-known object or person. The subject matter of the design patent cannot be considered offensive to a race, religion, sex, ethnic group, or nationality.


Design patents are valid for 14 years from the date of issue if filed prior to May 13, 2015, or 15 years from the date of issue if filed on or after May 13, 2015.[13][14] There are no maintenance fees. The photographs and drawings cannot be combined in the formal submission because of the potential of inconsistency. They should contain enough views, including front, rear, right and left sides, and top and bottom, to totally disclose the appearance of the design. They should also show surface shading that indicates contours, as well as open and solid areas of the design. If there is a lack of appropriate surface shading, the contour may be considered “non-enabling” under 35 U.S.C. § 112. Most replies to an office action (official letters) must be received within six months from the mailing date on the action.

Federal Circuit Narrows “Comparison Prior Art” for Design Patent Infringement - JD Supra

Federal Circuit Narrows “Comparison Prior Art” for Design Patent Infringement.

Posted: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Qvist will have to decide what to do about that, but Elsner isn’t hopeful about what would come next. Columbia’s response to the petition is due April 24, 2024, although the fact that Columbia’s attorneys have not yet filed an appearance in the case suggests that Columbia will waive its right to respond. Further, many take the view that refusing to acknowledge a petition diminishes its weight. Typically, if at least one member sees value in the petition then repondant will be asked to file a response and given a fresh timeline. So, in most cases, an initial waiver does not result in any permanent waiver. With several wave patterns as prior art references, it is easy to see why the jury found that the particular wave pattern design was not infringed.

However, you must file the design patent application within six months of the RCD filing date. There is no limit to the number of design patents you can apply for. However, if you plan to market several unique designs, a separate application will be required for each patent. Utility and plant patents last for 20 years from the date of filing, while design patents last for 15 years if filed on or after May 13, 2015, or 14 years if filed before May 13, 2015. Since these drawings are the most important part of the design patent application, you may want to consider paying a professional around $600 for high-quality drawings.

Additionally, no responses on this forum constitute legal advice, which must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case. You should not act upon information provided in Justia Ask a Lawyer without seeking professional counsel from an attorney admitted or authorized to practice in your jurisdiction. Justia assumes no responsibility to any person who relies on information contained on or received through this site and disclaims all liability in respect to such information.

Publication of application

The patent process is a complex set of laws, regulations, policies, and procedures. Thus, the USPTO always recommends using a registered patent attorney or agent to assist in preparing your application. The USPTO also recognizes that the cost of legal assistance can be prohibitive, particularly for independent inventors and small businesses. If the legal representative (executor, administrator, etc.) of a deceased inventor files the application, that representative must make the oath or declaration. For a declaration, the ribboning procedure is unnecessary, and the representative does not need to appear before an official.

In general, when broken lines are used, they should not intrude upon or cross the showing of the claimed design and should not be of heavier weight than the lines used in depicting the claimed design. It is important to constantly check for any updates the office may need. Design patents do not need as many maintenance fees to keep the patent from expiring as do utility patents. But, a patent owner could still file lawsuits against others who try to copy that exact same design. The intellectual property world has several different complex legal terms.

Like the design patent, the utility patent is a right of exclusion that prevents others from using, making, selling, or importing protected functions of the product (called claims). Utility patents provide stronger protection than design patents but require a longer, more costly application process. You may apply for a U.S. patent whether you’re a U.S. citizen or not. No U.S. patent can be issued if, before you apply in the United States, the invention was patented abroad by you or your legal representative and if the foreign application was filed more than 12 months before the U.S. filing. Foreign inventors should pay attention to other special requirements. A patent application is subject to the payment of a basic filing fee, a search fee, and an examination fee, which are due when the application is filed.

Both design and utility patents may be obtained on an invention if it is new both in its utility (what makes it useful) and its appearance. Applicants must specifically petition to include color drawings or photographs in their patent applications. In most countries, an industrial design needs to be registered in order to be protected under industrial design law as a “registered design”. In some countries, industrial designs are protected under patent law as “design patents ”. Accepted payment methods include checks, credit/debit cards, or electronic fund transfers.

patent design

The 12-month pendency for a provisional is not counted toward the 20-year term of a patent granted on a subsequently filed nonprovisional application that claims benefit of the provisional filing date. This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. It also covers how to conduct a preliminary search and find registered patent practitioners to help with your application. We also walk you through how to file your application electronically or by mail.

The USPTO Patent Application Initiatives Timeline displays various programs to help you during each phase of the patent process. Once your application has been received by the USPTO, it will then be reviewed for formalities and completeness. If your application contains informalities or is incomplete, you will receive a notice outlining the requirements to complete your application (e.g. Notice to File Missing Parts or Notice of Incomplete Application). Your application does not have to be ready to open your verified USPTO.gov account. Start this process as early as possible so that when you are ready, you can file your application as a registered user. Find more information regarding the account creation process at the Patent Electronic Business Center (EBC).

The load is spread out and there are fewer small pieces, but there’s also an upper limit to points of engagement. Find a patent jobWe regularly post top patent jobs from leading firms, corporations, and government and educational institutions. Use the USPTO’s IP Identifier to find out the types of IP you might have and learn how to protect them. Start with six basic questions to help identify your IP, then dig in deeper with the advanced questionnaire for each type of IP. Get answers to the simplest patent-related issues you could ask about.

A multiple dependent claim shall be construed to incorporate by reference all the limitations of the particular claim in relation to which it is being considered. Design patents usually cost around $1,500 and typically take 2 years to complete. The cost is predominantly made up of attorney fees, with a small filing cost. But with multimillion pound settlements at stake for design patent infringement, the cost is very worthwhile if you have a great and unique design to protect. And as the Apple vs. Samsung battle proves, it’s sensible to check out the competition first, to make sure you don’t infringe on a rival design.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Converting a Storage Shed into your Tiny Home to Save Time & Money

tiny house shed

You can turn a shed into an off-grid tiny house with a few modifications to its utilities. For what it calls its Stability Site, the city of Tacoma, Wash., purchased 58 shelters with two bunk beds each for four occupants. The city spent $700,000 to set it up, which works out to about $12,000 per shelter, less than one-tenth the cost of L.A.’s tiny homes. He told the court that the city had purchased 50 of the prefab structures as the first installment of a plan to shelter homeless people in villages of tiny homes around the city. Recently, LA updated its building code to allow mobile tiny homes as ADUs. This change in the municipal code provides flexibility for THOWs, if they meet certain criteria, like not having visible wheels.

Garage Sizes

Who didn't like the idea of their somebody building, I guess, a house in the backyard, you know, and so they tried to stop us from doing it. But, you know, legally, there was nothing that they could do. And we did everything that we could to make sure that we were not flying under the radar, but doing things, you know, appropriately legally and everything like that.

Opportunity for Creative Space Use

The County Board recently voted to allow ADUs, moveable tiny homes and planned unit developments. These changes will make Santa Cruz a more tiny house-friendly city, similar to San Jose and Fresno. Fresno County is tiny house friendly and allows backyard tiny houses as well.

Quick Setup Time

For those who truly want to disconnect, shed homes can be equipped to operate off-grid. Using solar panels, rainwater collection, and other sustainable technologies, you can live independently of municipal utilities. The smaller your space, the less there is to clean and maintain.

Once the inspectors are done with their checks and you have all your documents in hand, drop your shed, and connect it off the books. The real lynch pin when it comes to living in a shed legally if you want to connect sewer, water and power. Home generators offer reliable power for whenever you need it, at the cost of noise and consumption of fuels that cause greenhouse gasses. Off-street parking provisions are sometimes required when developing DADUs such as converted sheds.

Depending on your preferences and local regulations, you may need to install utilities such as electricity, plumbing, and heating/cooling systems in your tiny home. Consult with professionals to determine the most efficient and cost-effective solutions for your specific needs. Explore alternative energy sources such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and composting toilets to reduce your environmental footprint and enhance self-sufficiency. Ensure compliance with building codes and safety standards when installing utilities to avoid potential hazards and ensure long-term reliability.

tiny house shed

Whether you envision a simple and cozy space or aspire to infuse a touch of luxury into your tiny abode, it all comes down to your personal preference. We've found that with strategic choices and thoughtful modifications, you can design an interior that not only captivates with its aesthetics but also excels in functionality. Tiny home shed conversions involve turning an outdoor storage shed into a small, liveable space. Many tiny home owners take sustainability a step further and adopt off grid living, often powered by solar panels. This minimizes reliance on external energy sources and reduces energy bills. This also means that it will be much cheaper to power outdoor wall lights and indoor appliances.

Backyard tiny homes provide the convenience of being close to main facilities, while still providing a level of privacy and separation from the main house. These homes are a great option for those wanting a home office, guest house, or separate living area. Bringing converted shed ideas from conception to reality requires skill, dedication, and creativity.

I bought a shed for $30,000 and turned it into a luxury tiny home with a full kitchen & all utilities... - The US Sun

I bought a shed for $30,000 and turned it into a luxury tiny home with a full kitchen & all utilities....

Posted: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

You can also use underground cables or an above-ground conduit. If you’re not well-versed in connecting power, hire a professional for a simple and easy route. Even a small shed can be turned into a pleasant living area for one person. Customizing them takes less money, less time, and less material than the traditional cost of building.

You can also hang artwork to improve the room's aesthetic look. Selecting a color palette with light or neutral colors for your walls and floors will help the space appear brighter. Having your statement piece be bolder in color will draw your eye across the room, making it look bigger.

But I think I think it's safe to say that we've actually kind of fallen for them. Now everybody that comes over like, "Oh, wow, that looks so cool." And we're like, "Oh, we just, it was the only way possible." Like, but everybody seems to like the look of it. And we're like, oh, we already bought it, but not actually we put it on the safe. We did have a couple of little issues with some of the neighbors, because they didn't like it.

Barn sheds are functional and appealing structures that provide storage for rustic or farmhouse-style residences. If essential, you can wire the tiny house to get electricity, water, and sewage or install off-grid options such as solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems. Stepping into the transformative path of turning sheds into homes has proven to be an adventurous journey for us—an exploration of innovative solutions and boundless creativity. Witnessing the trend gain momentum, more individuals are opting to repurpose their unused or old sheds into surprisingly cozy and functional living spaces. In our experience, this process has been a genuine exploration of the potential tucked away in our ordinary sheds.

Consider adding amenities such as a barbecue grill, fire pit, or seating area to create a welcoming outdoor retreat for entertaining guests or simply unwinding after a long day. To ensure year-round comfort in your tiny home, proper insulation and weatherproofing are paramount. Invest in high-quality insulation materials to regulate temperature and minimize energy costs. Consider factors such as climate and local weather patterns when selecting insulation options to ensure optimal performance. Seal any gaps or cracks in the walls, floors, and roof to prevent drafts and moisture infiltration, protecting your interior from the elements and preserving energy efficiency.

The existing structure typically requires adaptations to make space for a bathroom and kitchen, while keeping the main area open for living and sleeping. Alan Bernau Jr. is the founder and owner of Alan’s Factory Outlet. He has helped more than 75,000 homeowners design and install custom carports and garages over the last 20 years.

L A. using pricey 'tiny homes' to house the homeless Los Angeles Times

tiny house shed

When it comes to converting a shed into tiny house, interior decoration and space optimization are key factors to consider. The limited space available in a shed requires strategic planning to make the most of every square inch. To begin, it’s important to choose a color palette that will create a sense of openness and brightness. Lighter colors such as whites, pastels, and neutrals can help make a small space feel larger and more inviting. Additionally, using mirrors strategically can reflect light and create the illusion of a bigger space. Utilize vertical space by installing shelves, hooks, and hanging organizers.

Home Depot is selling an ‘exclusive’ $699 tiny home – customers say it’s ‘excellent’ and ‘assembly isn’t ro... - The US Sun

Home Depot is selling an ‘exclusive’ $699 tiny home – customers say it’s ‘excellent’ and ‘assembly isn’t ro....

Posted: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Maximal Use of Small Spaces

So in the location that we are in, there is no restrictions, there's no HOA or anything like that. The building is 100% registered with the Harris County is the county that we that we live in. It is registered with Harris County, we do have permits, because you have to get permits to get electrical, and, and things like that. We did have a couple of little issues with some of the neighbors. They didn't like the idea of somebody building, I guess, a house in the backyard, you know.

What Counties in South Dakota Allow Tiny Houses – Rules & Regulations You Need To Consider

‘Really sturdy’ shoppers praise Amazon’s $324 tiny home – it delivers in one week and qualifies for extende... - The US Sun

‘Really sturdy’ shoppers praise Amazon’s $324 tiny home – it delivers in one week and qualifies for extende....

Posted: Sat, 16 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Install vents or fans to promote air circulation and prevent moisture buildup. By taking the time to properly insulate and weatherproof your shed, you can ensure that your tiny house is comfortable, energy-efficient, and protected from the elements. Don’t underestimate the importance of these steps in creating a cozy and livable space that you can enjoy for years to come.

Paint the shed walls and ceiling white to brighten up the space

Place an electric burner in your cook’s nook (click here to learn how to install an outdoor outlet) and start cooking — do prep work and experiment with new meals. Imagine how relaxing it will feel to take a cool shower in a corner of your shed on a hot summer day. Many storage sheds and (hopefully) livable sheds will have leftover storage space like shelves, hooks and bins—and that’s a good thing! Convert this utility storage space for other purposes, such as holding books, organizing hobby paraphernalia and displaying dĂ©cor. Think twice before tearing out any shelves or storage spaces if you can still put them to good use!

tiny house shed

Q: Can You Build a Tiny House out of a Shed?

Many people convert existing structures, like storage sheds, into functional and cozy homes. This is a cheaper and more sustainable option, as the energy and resources to build a whole new house are drastically reduced. Downsizing lifestyle can have significant benefits, including affordable housing options that are economical and easy to maintain. Smaller homes, such as converted sheds, can reduce mortgage payments and maintenance costs. They also lead to decreased electricity usage, leveraging sustainable living while saving money.

Maximizing the Interior

Check with your local building codes and regulations to ensure compliance and avoid any potential issues down the line. By carefully considering these planning and design factors, you can transform your shed into a cozy and functional tiny home that meets your needs and provides a comfortable living space. A modern shed is a contemporary and stylish update on the classic shed.

After the foundation is set, you can install the shed and begin the conversion. Whether you're looking for a simple bookshelf or something more decorative, having the right strategy in place ahead of time will make all the difference in the success of your project. One of the quickest ways to transform a dull and dated garden shed is by painting the walls and ceiling white. Not only will your shed be brightened up, but it will also feel much fresher and larger with the brilliant white reflecting light around the room. Also, you might want to add some decorative privacy panels around the backyard not only to spruce up the backyard but also to maintain your privacy while beautifying it.

The Appeal of the Backyard Tiny House

But before you begin, it’s best to sketch the layout and design, so you’ll have a guide that you can use as a reference. Moving into a small home is a great way to downsize your life and possessions while living more minimally. You can free yourself from the hefty debt purchasing a larger home will get you and be able to do the things you enjoy in life easily. You can add them to your existing home, like your property’s second floor.

tiny house shed

In addition, they’re a dealer for Trailer Made Trailers to help you move your tiny house on the road. The living room is the main staple of this tiny house, it also features a roofed deck. This home maximizes its space by having its loft converted into a bedroom. Converting a suitable shed into a livable space is a great option for many people to have affordable tiny homes.

If you really want to kick things up a notch and have the space, put a small Jacuzzi tub in your shed, or next to it, where you can privately soak away the stress and pressures of your day. If cooking is what relaxes you, create a “cook’s nook” in your shed. All you need is a few countertop-height tables with drawers for a few plates and utensils, a pot and pan rack, and a spice basket.

Fortunately, you can get water to most properties without much hassle. Of the three main utilities, water is the simplest because it’s not terribly complicated or pose much risks. I did this on my current property in the mountains where I got a well and where my tiny house is in the city, I was able to connect to the city water for “landscaping” with zero issue. Like Tiny Homes, making this legal and meeting building codes is rather difficult when you say you want to live or dwell in it. One big advantage of the prefab shed option is that these structures are so prevalent that in many places you can just drop one off and you’re good.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Layton house explosion sends two people to hospital with serious injuries

layton utah house explosion

Four cars were destroyed, with an additional vehicle damaged during a detached garage fire on Friday night. The family is now counting on well wishes from the community as the couple will need months to recover in the hospital. "We can only look in, we won't put any crews in the basement. The floor is unstable. All the structural members in the floor system are blown apart," he said. A GoFundMe account has been established by Eric and Miranda Ruiter, who describe themselves as neighbors of the couple, identified as Shea O’Brien Kinsey and Brandon Kinsey. KSTU PhotoA Layton house was damaged by an explosion on Saturday, April 8, 2023.

Investigators say acetone used for home improvement project led to explosion that injured couple

The home is in a newer development near 850 North 2175 West in Layton. The Tiffany family will not be staying in their home Saturday night, but they have been told their house is still structurally sound. Those Good Samaritans helped care for the injured man and woman until first responders arrived. They were both flown to the University of Utah Burn Center via AirMed and LifeFlight helicopters. The severity of their injuries ranges from serious to critical. Ring doorbell footage from Tiffany's home shows the moments when he and his family rushed outside after the explosion.

Lawyer: Harvey Weinstein hospitalized after his return …

“It blew the entire side of the house off,” Wilkes said, adding that he has never seen something like this where the victims survived. The homeowners are being treated for burns at the University of Utah Burn Center. During the restoration project, officials said the couple had used approximately five gallons of acetone. Preston Tiffany, his wife and their 1-year-old son live next door to the house where the explosion occurred. “It blew the entire side of the house off," Wilkes said, adding that he has never seen something like this where the victims survived.

Fire causes $125K in damage to Layton home - ABC4.com

Fire causes $125K in damage to Layton home.

Posted: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

critically injured as basement explosion destroys Layton home

“Depending on what happened, we do get flash fires from painting, sealing wood, any of that stuff. “There’s usually a flash fire that burns people, not an explosion, a detonation like this. Authorities originally thought the explosion that obliterated the basement and blew a wall off the Layton home was caused by natural gas, however, that was not the case.

A neighbor's security camera caught the moment a home exploded in American Fork Wednesday morning. Then suddenly amidst flames and debris, out walked Shirley Hunt, 82, still breathing, alive and well. The huge explosion and massive flames happened just before 6 a.m. And shook homes everywhere near the 55-year-old and older community where the blast happened at 67 N.

Neighbors described hearing a loud boom at the time of the explosion, but they didn’t initially know what caused it. According to Layton City Fire Battalion Chief Brad Wilkes, the man and woman were inside the home near 850 North 2175 West when the explosion happened at approximately 3 p.m. LAYTON, Utah — An explosion in a Layton home sent two people to the hospital Saturday afternoon. A handful of top brands make high-quality microwaves, but there are a few features you should look for to ensure you’re getting a quality appliance. Authorities are unable to enter the home at this time as it is structurally unsound and dangerous.

The man’s wife and 12-year-old granddaughter were inside the home when the explosion occurred, police said. Lyman says a 77-year-old man was welding a bench in the garage of the home when the explosion occurred. “The house has some structural damage, our building inspector did and is doing an investigation to make sure it is still habitable,” Cook said. Police say two other people were inside the home when the explosion occurred, but they were not injured. “Whatever detonated most likely was a pilot light of one of two, you know, furnaces typically in Utah are gas, and so are water heaters,” Wilkes said.

There is no further update on the condition of the two residents at this time. Officials say they are still receiving treatment at the U of U Burn Center. Kinsey and O’Brien both received visible burns across their faces and arms and were flown to the burn center in severe to critical condition.

layton utah house explosion

The cause of the house explosion is still under investigation. Because the house explosion did not cause a fire, the fire department is turning the investigation over to law enforcement in Layton. The couple suffered severe burns from the explosion, with Shea Kinsey receiving third-degree burns on over 50% of her body. Her husband of six months, Brandon Kinsey, who works in construction, carried her up the stairs to safety despite his own injuries.

"We were in our living room trying to get him to take a nap, playing, when all of a sudden we felt and heard a very large noise, and then the ground started shaking," Tiffany said. "I thought it was an earthquake — then I watched a fireball roll up our neighbors' house and watched the wall fall in slow motion towards our house. So that's when we grabbed our son and ran." Wilkes said the blast happened while the man and woman were in the basement working on a flooring project of some sort. Because the Mullin's are licensed dog breeders, there were over 50 dogs on the property at the time of the explosion, including 16 inside the home. Five of the dogs were recovered in the home hours after the incident, with three currently in critical condition.

While officials say it will not collapse on its own, it is considered “uninhabitable” and will be torn down in the future. There are no gas leaks and all power and gas sources have been shut off from the home. The victims confirmed there are no other individuals in the home and while they own several pets, the neighbors confirmed they saw the dogs playing outside. Officials also say they have not heard anything that would suggest pets were inside. Layton City Fire Battalion Chief Brad Wilkes said told Gephardt Daily at the scene that the man and woman were able to get out of the house.

One person is dead and another is seriously injured after a two-person climbing team fell 1,000 feet while ascending a mountain in Alaska’s Denali National Park on Thursday. Shea’s artwork, which her husband was concerned about, is not replaceable, and family members came to the house Monday to recover some of it. “Investigators are looking closer at the furnace that has no pilot light but instead uses an electronic igniter.

Dave Rathbun, Engineer Behind Cirrus Aircraft Designs, Killed in Crash of SR22

cirrus design corp sr22

This is an area where practice will improve the process, and slow-learner pilots should plan on logging some added hours to assure that their descents work out as needed. Rathbun, who was flying a privately owned SR22, was the only occupant, and no one on the ground was injured or killed. Cirrus unveiled plans to develop a single engine turbofan personal jet in 2007, and it quickly became the most anticipated aircraft in the company’s history.

World-Class Customer Experience

Rathbun, who had thousands of hours in Cirrus airplanes, never issued an emergency call or reported any kinds of problem with the plane. The weather at the time of the crash was good with scattered clouds high above and at least 10 miles of flight visibility. Our commitment to innovation continues throughout the lifetime of your ownership experience. From aircraft delivery to flight training and service, our talented team makes owning a Cirrus aircraft rewarding, safe and simple. The Vision Jet received Type Certification on October 28, 2016 – the first jet built by a single-engine piston aircraft company to be certified in over 40 years. For more information, please review the current ASP Call Letter for further requirements and guidance.

cirrus design corp sr22

Redefining Safety

Descending under the parachute, the airplane would “land” with a computed maximum vertical speed of 27 feet per second, or, 1,620 feet per minute. The strength of the hit would depend on the weight of the airplane at the time and, because it is heavier than the SR20, the SR22 has a bigger chute. There may be a problem for new pilots who earn a license in a Cirrus airplane and come to the time when they have to fly something else. After scores of hours in the logical, elegant layout of an SR22 (or SR20), the logic of some older airplanes’ cockpits may seem to defy imagination.

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cirrus design corp sr22

The SR Series G7 aircraft features Perspective Touch+ by Garmin® touchscreen interfaces,large high-resolution displays, advanced safety systems, improved visibility, increased legroom and enhanced convenience features. Finally, Cirrus airplanes employ a side-mounted yoke — not a side stick or center yoke, a side-mounted yoke. Taxiing is one area, however, where Cirrus airplanes depart from the norm. Instead of direct-control nose-wheel steering, Cirrus uses a simple castering nose gear and differential breaking.

Allows customers to add a carbon fiber or metallic paint to the aircraft available in a combination of 12 colors and two dual-tone designs. This anti-icing system is based on a TKS-based system and releases anti-icing fluid over the wings using its dual tanks, which have an automatic switching function for when one is empty. To cope with various icing conditions the system has three rates of adjustment to ensure that fluid is being used in an optimum manner. A Tanis Avionics and Engine Pre-Heater is included to have the aircraft ready to fly in freezing temperatures. We’re dedicated to a world-class experience throughout the lifetime of aircraft ownership with service and support to help you maintain your aircraft. Whether you’re looking to accelerate your business or enjoy spontaneous adventures, discovering how personal aviation can transform your life is where The Cirrus Life™ begins.

Improves IFR flying by overlaying approaches and airspaces over the MFD to reduce pilot workload. The Cirrus SR22 is chock-full of safety features, but the one that put the SR series on the map is the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS). When deployed, this ballistic parachute will safely bring the aircraft down at a rate of 1,680 feet per minute at MTOW. Though this seems like a high rate of descent, there have only been minor injuries during emergencies where the CAPS was used. The Cirrus Aircraft Private Pilot Program, designed by Cirrus Aircraft’s flight training experts, provides an immersive and fully interactive flight training solution.

Even with the CAPS system, accidents were more common in the SR22 than in its competitors. This was later attributed to a lack of training in the aircraft. The training program has since been revised, after which the rate dropped. Another issue was the inability to access the CAPS system when the chute needed to be repacked. The lack of an access door meant that the fuselage would have to be cut open to get to the system.

Mysteries Of Flight: The Curious Case Of Pan Am Flight 914

Cirrus SR22 GTS: The Perfect Plane? - Plane & Pilot

Cirrus SR22 GTS: The Perfect Plane?.

Posted: Sat, 06 Feb 2016 08:00:00 GMT [source]

But it is also significantly stronger according to the crash tests conducted by Cirrus. The wings are also built as a single piece and are joined to the aircraft using a spar. From transition training to recurrent courses, our award-winning training program increases your confidence in the pilot’s seat with direct access to engaging courses and online content on your schedule. It is a development of the Cirrus SR20, with a larger wing, higher fuel capacity, and a more powerful, 310-horsepower (231 kW) engine.

Adventure Series

When you enter the SR22, the most striking thing is the yoke or lack thereof. The controls are what Cirrus calls a side-yoke, and have more in common with the side-stick controls you find on an Airbus. The interior of the SR22-G6 is a masterclass on how to build a cockpit. It is centered around using technology to improve the flight experience. But most importantly, it pushed Cirrus’ founders to produce aircraft that had a more conventional layout.

The G5 had a lot of improvements over the G3 and introduced new features. The NA variant has a service ceiling of 17,500 ft (5,334 m) while the turbocharged variant can fly up to 25,000 ft (7,620 m). Unfortunately, the SR22 is not pressurized, but an oxygen system is available to allow customers to fly at high altitudes. Responsive, icon-based “touch keys” provide quick access to flight planning, mapping, procedures, audio controls, synoptic pages and more. Shallow menus ensure every function you need and returning to the home screen are only a few taps away. Cirrus Perspective Touch+ includes larger, more-colorful displays and offers three times more resolution making them ideal for viewing charts, managing your flight plan, or keeping an eye on the weather.

One big problem has been the man hours required to build the airplane. The goal was to get that down to 2,500; it was substantially higher than that when I was there. Even the 2,500 hour number is high when compared with like airplanes, and Cirrus will no doubt strive to lower that number. The complete checklist is in the multifunction display-programmed foreach airplane before delivery-and that makes it quite easy to ascertain that everything is properly set for a departure.

iOS App Design Guidelines: A Comprehensive Guide

apple design guidelines

Assume that whatever app or service you build will have potential users who may face a temporary or permanent disability, so ensure that accessibility is part of the plan from the start. Learn essential information about platforms, foundations, patterns, components, inputs, and technologies. The HIG offers guidance and best practices for designing exceptional user experiences across all Apple platforms. You can not only design apps that comply with Apple’s many strict guidelines but also export and publish them to the app store.

How to connect to FTP servers in macOS using modern apps

When designing, ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors, and use shapes, patterns, and textures to convey information instead of relying solely on color. Now, what makes you ensure the app is up to mark is things like thorough testing, minimizing crashes, and optimizing resource usage to provide a stable app. It goes without saying when reviewing an app, performance is one of the main factor. Well, speaking of which, that’s also one of the main criterion app store uses.


Learning from these examples you can make a lot of improvement in your own app design or app redesign if you are doing it all over again. Well, if you want to create a killer iOS app design, you need to learn from the best. And in this section, we shall be going through some of the best design iOS Apps on the market.

apple design guidelines

Apple’s iPhone AI Plans Confirmed With New Software Upgrade

By adhering to design guidelines, providing a delightful user experience, and creating an app that adds value to users’ lives, you can make your app stand out in the competitive App Store market. One of the most unexpected parts of getting good at UI design is developing an intuitive sense of what font sizes to use. So, to help with that, I wrote the world’s most comprehensive guide to font sizes. One part is one iOS apps, and if you’ve gotten this far, you should probably read that too. Headspace is a meditation and mindfulness app that exemplifies the importance of creating a calming and intuitive interface. The app uses a soothing color palette, subtle animations, and clear typography to provide a serene and focused experience.

As the tech industry continues to race forward with AI developments, Apple has continued to offer more glimpses into the technology it is working on. In the latest public release, Apple has released a quartet of open-source models. But even if it's a nominal upgrade, like so many of the new AI features in Windows laptops have been, it's difficult to imagine the M4 MacBook lineup not being popular. MacBooks have been pretty easy to recommend since the debut of Apple silicon, and if the company does little to change much besides the chip they'll likely still compete with the best laptops on the market. The M3 Max seems to lack the UltraFusion interconnect that allowed the ‌M2‌ Max chips to function as an Ultra.

Apple Updates Its Human Interface Guidelines - MacStories

Apple Updates Its Human Interface Guidelines.

Posted: Wed, 08 Jun 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In this article, we’re going to cover basically everything you need to know to design an iPhone app following standard iOS 16 conventions and style. Use Parallax Previewer and Parallax Exporter Plug-In for Adobe Photoshop to deliver parallax visual effects that transform static images into dynamic and immersive experiences on tvOS and visionOS. Learn how to design great apps and games that integrate seamlessly with Apple platforms. And whatever you design for iOS, it can also be published to Android, Windows, macOS, or the web as well.

apple design guidelines

Apple wants appmakers to avoid the notch when designing for iPhone X - TNW

Apple wants appmakers to avoid the notch when designing for iPhone X.

Posted: Wed, 13 Sep 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Now, there are a number of principles that play important role in UI/UX designing. To give you an idea of how it works, we shall be discussing all of that in this section of the blog. Let’s discuss one of the most important part of entire HIG concept, the visual design. The first and by far the most important thing is to understand the concept of app objects, which represent the fundamental building blocks of your app’s functionality. How Apple will improve the next iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro with artificial intelligence is one of 2024’s big questions. Now we know more about Apple’s plans to use AI in the iPhone, its approach and how it will sell it to consumers.

Everything you need to know about Apple’s app design and how to implement it. In addition, iOS provides a dynamic system to enable automatic adjustments to light and dark modes. Since the iPhone 1 (bear with us, Gen Z), iOS has been a synonym for best-in-class mobile design.

Insights from Apple’s Human Interface Design Guidelines

Crucially, Phi-3 Mini will comfortably run on Apple’s A16 bionic chip, which means third-party developers can target the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max as well as the iPhone 15 family and any future models. Apple aims to release the first MacBook M4 before the end of 2024, according to Gurman. He believes we should expect to see "a low-end 14-inch MacBook Pro" as well as possibly "high-end 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros...all with M4 chips."

I cover some of the best practices for search experiences in my course on designing intuitive, easy-to-use apps, Learn UX Design. Though designers are starting to bring much welcome diversity to the app game, iOS Design remains the standard for many UI professionals and users. This post will share essential design guidelines, examples of exceptional iOS apps, and resources to facilitate your design process. The entire formula behind the Human Interface Guidelines is to target consistency among every interface & design and adaptivity to the Apple Ecosystem.

Try to make animations feel realistic to avoid distracting or confusing users. Regardless of the screen size and orientation, content should always fit the screen and be easy to read. This section of the guidelines gives details about the architecture that has to be followed while designing and developing an application. You’ll get insights on the Launching, Onboarding, Loading, Modality, Navigation, Accessing User Data, and Settings. I’ll sum up the kind of information that’s in it and I’ll implore you to go through the Guidelines once if you haven’t already. If you have already gone through the HIG, I’d ask you to go through it at least once or twice a year as it is constantly being updated by Apple with the latest design system.

Neighbors share update on Layton couple burned in house explosion

layton utah house explosion

LCFD battalion chief Jason Cook said smoke was emanating from all sides of the home when firefighters arrived. The department had to resort to fighting the fire from outside after a large amount of debris prevented crews from entering the structure to attack the incident at its source. LAYTON, Utah — Rescue workers took one person to the hospital Tuesday after what some described as a house explosion in a Layton neighborhood.

A Hawaii military family avoids tap water at home. …

The man suffered “significant shrapnel injuries” from the explosion. He was taken to a local hospital where he is currently in critical condition. He was transported by ambulance to McKay Dee Hospital, then flown to the University of Utah Hospital after suffering significant shrapnel injuries from the blast. “The victim in this case initially said that he was doing welding in the garage, so that may very well have what caused this explosion,” said Layton Police Lt. Travis Lyman. Layton police responded to the area near the garage of the home, where they found a 77 year-old man who had sustained serious injuries from the blast.

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The uninjured dogs are being taken care of by family members. It was not until midnight when fire rescue units located the third occupant, identified as John Mullin, who was inside the home at the time of the incident. The Cache County Sheriff's Office said John Mullin died during the explosion. Beck said Dominion Energy workers showed up at her mother's house on Monday and spent several hours there working on a gas line in front of it.

Gephardt Daily National and Utah News

layton utah house explosion

The family is now counting on well-wishes from the community as the couple will need months to recover in the hospital. "They're in very difficult circumstances right now," said Shea's father, Kevin O'Brien. "Shea has over 50% of her body burned. (Brandon) still has very significant burns and will be (in the burn unit) for an extended period of time himself." LAYTON, Utah (KUTV) — Bomb investigators believe sparks from a welding machine ignited nearby gunpowder, causing a large explosion at a Layton home Tuesday afternoon. Officials are looking into what caused the explosion, but Wilkes isn’t allowing anyone in until they can ensure the house is safe to enter.

"I saw a fireball roll up our neighbor's outside wall right outside our windows." He said the explosion caused severe damage to the home, with one side of the house being blown off. LAYTON, Utah, April 12, 2023 (Gephardt Daily) — Neighbors are offering an update on a Layton couple hospitalized in critical condition Saturday after a basement explosion destroyed their house. Wilkes said investigators believe the use of “some sort of solvent in the basement” sparked a flash fire and the “complete detonation” of the home. Late Tuesday night, investigators concluded the man was welding a metal bench when one of the sparks flew in to a near by gunpowder container causing the explosion. The explosion caused significant damage to the garage of the home, but no other homes were damaged.

KSL Weather Forecast

Behind The Badge: Layton PD officers rescue woman from basement of burning house - ABC4.com

Behind The Badge: Layton PD officers rescue woman from basement of burning house.

Posted: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]

"Burn injuries for sure from a flash explosion," the battalion chief said. "But given the damage to the house that you can see, we suspect some traumatic blast injuries." Tiffany said he saw the couple stumble out of the home with visible burns. Neighbors with medical training assisted them until police and paramedics arrived, he added. There were two people inside the house at the time — one male and one female.

After the explosion, the man was able to walk out of the basement, but the woman collapsed at the stairs. Neighbors came to help the two until first responders arrived. Officials say the explosion lifted the house off its foundation, explaining how the structure’s outer wall fell onto the neighboring house. As determined on the day of the incident, the house will need to be demolished as it no longer is on its foundation. Tablets are a great way to remain productive if you don’t have a laptop and your mobile phone’s screen is too small. LAYTON, Utah (ABC4) — The individuals injured in Saturday’s basement explosion have been identified as Brandon Kinsey and Shea O’Brien.

Red-hot Real Salt Lake beats the Philadelphia Union

Layton Fire Battalion Chief Brad Wilkes said the burns were visible across their faces and arms, however, he is most concerned about any potential injuries from the blast itself. LAYTON, Utah (ABC4) — Two people were flown to the University of Utah Burn Center after receiving serious to critical injuries from a basement explosion in Layton earlier today, Apr. 8. Cook said the explosion lifted a wall and caused it to fall over onto the neighbor’s house. "It almost sounded like a very heavy object falling and then the ground started shaking," said Preston Tiffany, who lives next door to where the blast occurred.

Children’s Justice Center opens American Fork location

layton utah house explosion

An entire wall of the home had fallen down and onto the house next door following the incident. They were reportedly doing repairs in the basement of the home when the explosion happened. Barker told local media that no foul play is suspected and that the dynamite was discovered after the owner of the home called a friend to assist them. When the friend arrived, "that's when calls were made," according to Barker. Investigators say the man was alert when taken to Davis Hospital.

The resulting inferno caused an estimated $200,000 in damages and left the home uninhabitable. LAYTON, Utah (KUTV) — Crews on Wednesday responded to a house fire that investigators believe started when when a pan of oil ignited as a family was preparing a birthday party meal. A Utah neighborhood was evacuated and locked down Tuesday night after "ancient dynamite" was found in a home, authorities said.

The furnace room has more charring than anywhere else, indicating the point of origin,” explained Layton Fire Battalion Chief Jason Cook. Those living in the home where a wall is now leaning against it plan to spend the next few days elsewhere while crews work to remove that wall. Wilkes wasn't allowing anyone inside the home until experts could ensure that the house was safe to enter. "The house is uninhabitable. It will need to be torn down. It's going to be condemned," Wilkes said.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

7 Best Cruises to Alaska, According to Travel Experts

which cruise line is best for alaska

Full of greenery, pubs and Victorian architecture, it's difficult to believe that this was a tent city full of rough and tumble miners just 150 years ago. On a cruise to Alaska, explore the Butchart Gardens, tour the pub scene and taste some of the local brews or sail the bay for a whale-watching adventure. With its roaring glaciers, rugged mountains and deep fjords, Glacier Bay National Park feels like a dream.

Night Alaska Inside PassageDetails

Ovation of the Seas sails round-trip from Seattle on seven-night cruises, but the exact itinerary varies by week. The ship cruises Endicott Arm for scenic views of Dawes Glacier and typically visits three Alaska ports and Victoria. If you want that small-ship, luxury cruise experience for your Alaska trip, this is absolutely one of the better ships to choose. While she may have scored lower than her competitor cruise lines’ ships, this is still a high average score. The last of the truly ultra-luxury cruise ships on this list, Silver Moon is a stunning ship in her own right, though the new Silver Nova has replaced her as the main ship in the Silversea fleet for cruises to Alaska.

Dining on Discovery Princess

Expect a premium experience onboard – not quite ultra-luxury cruising, but a step above mainstream cruise lines like Carnival and Royal Caribbean. Nieuw Amsterdam is best suited to solo travellers and couples, with more of a focus on relaxation and exploration than ‘fun’ during the cruise itself. If budget is a major factor when picking your ship for an Alaskan cruise, then consider the Carnival Miracle. She offers a range of cruises from San Francisco, though there are other Carnival ships sailing from Seattle too, if you prefer. True, it’s a high price you pay, but this is a ship aimed at people who want to feel truly special.

Best off-season cruises to Alaska

Our final smallest ship recommendation is to experience a truly unique sailing. They also offer itineraries for a catamaran and a converted tugboat – for a one-of-a-kind Alaska cruise. For the anglers, book a passage with The Boat Company traveling the waters between Sitka and Juneau. With no traditional ports of call, the two ships of this line stop at the unexpected for nature activities, hiking and wildlife viewing – along with some great fishing. As part of the American Queen Voyages expedition experience, the line has partnered with Dr. Michelle Fournet, an acclaimed acoustic ecologist and leading expert in the communication of North Pacific humpback whales.

Carnival Ship Rescues 27 People Adrift at Sea in the Caribbean

An Alaska Inside Passage cruise typically lasts seven nights, embarking and returning to Seattle or Vancouver. You'll need to set aside a good chunk of money to spend on shore excursions when you're in Alaska. They can be incredibly expensive when compared to experiences in the Caribbean or Mexico. An Alaska cruise costs anywhere from $500 to $8,000 or more during high season.

In Search of Calm, I Went on an Alaskan Cruise by Myself - Shondaland.com

In Search of Calm, I Went on an Alaskan Cruise by Myself.

Posted: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Celebrity Solstice Works Well for Couples and Families in Alaska

All routes head to Stikine Icecap so guests can observe stunning glaciers, cliffs, waterfalls and wildlife. Disney lovers will have the time of their lives sailing roundtrip from Vancouver to Alaska aboard the Disney Wonder. "It was the best experience ever," said a mom of two young adults who sailed on the ship in May 2023. Families with a little more vacation time might want to tack a visit to the Alaskan interior before or after their cruise, either independently or with a cruisetour. For this, you'll need a one-way cruise that begins or ends in an Alaskan port. The 3,998-passenger ship is NCL's biggest, and families will be amazed at how much there is to do on board (though be prepared to pull out your credit card for the best activities).

This in addition to a ropes course, an impressive virtual reality arcade, laser tag and more. Below are the best Alaska cruises and cruise lines for every type of traveler. An inside passage itinerary gives you a great overview of Alaska, seeing most of the important ports of call and  some great scenery along the way. The downside is that it’s typically a round-trip sailing and can be repetitive on the way back.

which cruise line is best for alaska


Alaska cruises first made their debut in 1881, when the Pacific Coast Steamship Company began cruising the Inside Passage aboard its two ships, the Ancon and the Idaho. Today, with over 20 cruise lines and small ships sailing Alaska’s waterways, there are plenty of options for travelers to choose from during the Alaska cruise season, which runs every year from April through October. If you’re planning a bucket list trip, we’ve selected the best Alaska cruises for every type of travel style in 2024, from the adventure-focused to the super luxurious. We’ve reviewed more than a dozen cruise lines, noting the fleet, staterooms, dining, itineraries, on-ship entertainment and activities, kids' clubs, excursions and everything else that can make or break a vacation at sea. Based on feedback from our travel experts and testers, you’ll find the best cruises to Alaska to book this year's season or 2025.

If you want a more active trip in less touristed areas, a great choice would be a small-ship expedition line, including Alaska specialists such as Alaskan Dream Cruises and UnCruise Adventures. Some lines also offer Alaska cruisetours that venture into Canada's Yukon, including a few Holland America tours that combine half a cruise with a cruisetour that starts or ends in Skagway. You'll have four sea days (for example, two days from San Francisco to Juneau) plus a day of scenic cruising at a spot like Tracy Arm (Twin Sawyer Glaciers), Endicott Arm, Hubbard Glacier or Glacier Bay National Park. The waters before you enter the Inside Passage can be calm, rough or anything in between, depending on when you go.

Regatta offers an experience that's close to luxury without being all inclusive or priced sky high. Now that we’ve covered the basics of all things Alaska cruising, keep reading to discover the best Alaska cruises for every type of traveler, featuring expert insight and award-winning picks. Ashton Palmer is a Seattle-based T+L A-List travel advisor who specializes in expedition cruises. The beauty of the land and its immense history; the thrill of seeing bears, moose and bald eagles; and the mysteries of the surrounding marine life will astound you.

The 684-passenger ship features creations of celebrity chef Jacques Pepin in the main dining room and two surcharge-free specialty restaurants. No formal nights mean the pressure to dress up for dinner is dictated by fellow passengers, not the cruise line. Radiance of the Seas offers Royal Caribbean's best in a more modest size, without sacrificing the variety of dining venues, great kids' programs and adrenaline-pumping activities the line is known for. The 2,112-passenger ship features the line's much-loved Giovanni's Table and Izumi, a 200-square-foot outdoor movie screen, rock climbing wall and a nursery for babies and toddlers. The 4,000-passenger Encore boasts a handful of the features found on its sisters, Norwegian Bliss, Norwegian Sun, Norwegian Jewel, and Norwegian Spirit (which also offers Alaska cruises), as well as its own unique attractions. With a variety of dining, entertainment and recreational options, cruisers will never be bored or hungry.

Charter a helicopter or fixed-wing flightseeing tour at Juneau and get an unforgettable perspective of the mountains and glaciers of this vast landscape. Alaskan Dream Cruises’ itineraries are designed by Alaskans who know their area and are passionate about sharing their state’s natural beauty, history, and culture with guests. Passengers can expect to see glaciers, rainforests, waterfalls, and wildlife such as whales, bears, and eagles. An 18-night Alaskan sailing with the line will take you to off-the beaten-path places like Wrangell, Kodiak, Chignik, Unga Island, St Paul Island, St Matthew Island and Nome. At $10,000 to $13,000 per person for ocean-view cabins on an 18-night sailing it might be out of the reach of some, but if you truly want an expedition to Alaska, Hurtigruten is among the best.

From Seward, travelers wanting to spend a few days exploring Kenai Fjords National Park or one of the wilderness lodges can book Alaska Railroad transfers on their regular scheduled service. Whittier is closer to Anchorage, and some itineraries even take disembarking passengers directly to Denali or Talkeetna the same day. Whittier is also a convenient port for cruising College Fjord, which most northbound sailings do on the final day before arriving in Whittier. Whittier is, however, a tiny community that is little more than a deep-water port, while Seward is a larger community and regional base for a more diverse collection of tours and activities.

Small ship cruises tend to offer more adventure-focused shore excursions alongside personalized service and luxurious accommodations and amenities. Smaller ships can reach ports of call and destinations that are inaccessible to larger cruise ships, allowing you to explore more remote settings and communities. For an even more customized experience, consider a private cruise on smaller ships like yachts and sailboats. “If you are looking for a more casual and laid-back experience, Seattle-based UnCruise Adventures offers down-to-earth trips with enthusiastic naturalist guides, simple accommodations, and hearty local cuisine,” says Palmer.

Because of its dainty size, guests are treated to unique experiences, like anchoring right in Misty Fjords and Kenai Fjords, which is something you’d have to do on a shore excursion if you were on a larger ship with another cruise line. For an even closer look at Mother Nature’s impressive work, from icebergs to whales, book a kayak or Zodiac Signature Expedition with their incredibly knowledgeable guides. Silver Muse in Alaska will feel more like they're on a five-star hotel than a cruise ship.

Many rooms sleep four, but connecting cabins will get you more space and an extra bathroom while still keeping the family together. Known for its timber, Ketchikan hosts the Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show, where athletes throw, race and chop their way to victory. Explore one of the world’s oldest collection of totem poles at the Totem Pole Heritage Center, or stroll along Creek Street.

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